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Why Is My AC Unit Making Noises?

An air conditioning expert using a device to test the efficiency of a residential AC unit in St. Louis, MO. An HVAC technician determining what is making a clanking sound using commercial equipment

It’s common for homeowners notice that their air conditioning unit is running –in fact, you should be able to hear it running both inside and outside if you pay attention enough.However, strange sounds from the AC unit that do not go away could indicate the need for air conditioning repairs. Below are fiveAC noises that may require service by an experienced St. Louis, MO heating and cooling company like Academy Air.

Buzzing Sounds

A buzzing sound coming from your AC unit can mean one of several things. There could be loose parts in the air conditioning system, or your air filter might need to be changed. Thankfully, these are easy fixes that can be restored with a simple call to our team in St. Louis, MO for a maintenance service. Buzzing sounds can also indicate that the fan motor or blower could be out of balance or need to be replaced. Since there are so many reasons a buzzing noise could be coming from y our AC unit, it’s important to call our reliable HVAC team at Academy Air to inspect and repair the issue before it does any harm.

Banging Sounds

A banging sound most likely means that the AC compressor needs to be replaced.Your air conditioning compressor is responsible for keeping the refrigerating in your HVAC system so that your home stays cool and humid-free in the summer.Non-consistent banging noises could also mean that a part is loose or broken, which thankfully, isa quick fix and little damage to your bank account.To get to the bottom of those banging noises coming from your air conditioner, give our experts at Academy Aira call to visit your St. Louis, MO home.
A professional HVAC specialist in St. Louis, MOwearing a blue uniform while repairing a commercial air conditioning unit that had a part loose and created banging sounds.

Squealing Sounds

Squeals, squeaks, and rattles, many times, indicate a problem with your AC unit’s fan. Blower motors emit loud squealing sounds when they are about to fail, creating a pretty annoying sound that usually gets the attention of homeowners right away. Parts such as the blower wheel and AC housing will also emit this sound when they are malfunctioning–thankfully, they are fairly easy to repair or replace and won’t affect the longevity of your AC unit if taken care of immediately. Our HVAC specialists at Academy Air in St. Louis, MO offer AC repair, installation, and maintenance services for residential and commercial properties experiencing squealing sounds.

Clanking Sounds

The outdoor fan, indoor blower, or the unit’s blades could be out of balance, which is why you may be hearing a loud clanking sound coming from your outside AC unit. Oftentimes, clanking sounds indicate loose parts or the beginning stages of part failure. While the unit may continue to operate while this noise is present, ignoring this sound could result in more serious AC problems and costly AC repairs.To ensure the lifespan of your air conditioning unit, call Academy Air in St. Louis, MO to schedule an inspection service.

A homeowner in St. Louis, MO using a thermostat to change the temperature of their AC unit and hearing loud clicking noises that indicate the thermostat needs to be changed.

Whining Sounds

If you hear a loud whining or high-pitched noise coming from your AC unit, turn the unit off immediately and call an air conditioning repair company. Whining noises can indicate a problem with the refrigerant. A refrigerant leak can not only cause damage to the air conditioner, but it can also cause serious health problems if left untreated. High internal pressure within the compressor can also cause a screaming sound, which can be very a dangerous AC problem. Call our air conditioning repair company in St. Louis, MO for reliable AC repair services.

Contact Our St. Louis, MO Air Conditioning Experts

Academy Air has been providing trusted and professional air conditioning repair, maintenance, and installation services for years. Whether your residential or commercial AC unit is making odd noises or has stopped working entirely, you can rely on our team of experts to restore your AC unit at your earliest convenience. Contact us today to get more information on pricing and scheduling.

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